Aeroprakt is particularly good at keeping on top of any potential problems and rapidly issuing a bulletin if needed - contrast this with some manufacturers who prefer not to dent sales through acknowledging a problem.
​Aeroprakt always has at least two aircraft - often more! - in continual use at their own Aeroprakt club airfield. Very often these aircraft have completed many more flying hours and landings, with a wide variety of different pilots, than the average private owner. Any remedies required are first tested extensively on these aircraft before they are released to the broader base of owners and pilots.
Not all bulletins apply to all aircraft. It is the owner's responsibility to check their own aircraft serial number to decide whether a particular change is required to their own aircraft or component.

After Aeroprakt issues a safety bulletin, all subsequent aircraft are manufactured incorporating the mandated (or sometimes recommended) change(s) required by the bulletin.

​Bulletins are usually categorised into:

  1. Mandatory, the change must be incorporated, sometimes before the next flight or sometimes at the next scheduled service. An example of a mandatory bulletin would be one which may fundamentally affect the safety of the aircraft and its occupants

  2. Advisory, the manufacturer recommends the change but does not mandate it. An example of an advisory bulletin might be one where the basic safety is not affected but the change may help improve service life of a component, or minimize the chance of a potential future problem;

  3.  Optional, it is the owner's choice whether to action the safety bulletin or not.  An example of this type of bulletin might be the incorporation of an oil thermostat to stabilize engine oil temperatures in certain flying conditions. ​

​Note, This section covers bulletins related to the aircraft airframe. For all engine and propeller bulletins please visit the relevant company sources.

We aim to keep the list of bulletins up to date. However, please also check the complete Aeroprakt Factory bulletin list by clicking the button below.

​A22LS safety bulletins

  • IB A-22LS 01: Serial numbers 01-42 - Vibration of the main landing gear legs MANDATORY

  • IB A-22LS 02: Serial numbers 01-42 & 49 - Changing the main landing gear legs advisory

  • IB A-22LS 03: Serial numbers 01-42 - Inspection and reinforcement of the tail boom MANDATORY

  • IB A-22LS 04: Serial numbers 01-116 - Amendment to maintenance manual MANDATORY

  • IB A-22LS 05: Serial numbers 01-125 - Installation of panel between seats MANDATORY

  • IB A-22LS 06: Serial numbers 01-117 - Park brake valve advisory

  • IB-A-22LS-07: All A22LS fitted with Tost Glider Towhook - Changes to the glider towing supplement advisory

  • IB A-22LS-08: Serial numbers 01-193 - Maintenance Manual ammendments advisory

  • IB A-22LS-09: Serial numbers 01-206 - Maintenance Manual ammendments advisory

  • IB-A-22LS-10: Serial numbers 01-237 - Checking the flaperon connecting cardan rings MANDATORY

  • IB-A-22LS-11: Serial numbers, check bulletin - Maintenance Manual ammendments, propeller inspections MANDATORY

  • SB-A-22LS-12: Serial numbers, check bulletin - Pilot Handbook changes, manoeuvring speed MANDATORY

  • SA-A-22LS-13: Serial numbers from 157, aircraft with centre stick and control locking pin MANDATORY

  • SB-A-22LS-14: Serial numbers: see bulletin - inspection of elevator pushrod control MANDATORY

  • SB-A-22LS-15: Serial numbers 01-282 - removal of 50 hour airframe maintenance inspections advisory

  • SA-A-22LS-16: All aircraft over 5 years old or over 500 hours running time - Inspection of rudder cables MANDATORY

  • SB-A-22LS-17: Replacement of rudder cables and fairleads MANDATORY

  • SB-A22LS-18: Maintenance Manual amendment - Windscreen glass inspection on A22LS and A22L2 aircraft MANDATORY

  • SB-A22LS-19: Replacement of the nose wheel fork hinge bracket advisory (see A22LS Nose leg fork bolt inspection guide)

  • SB-A-22LS-20: Harness system check for correctness of installation MANDATORY

  • SB-A22LS-21: Modification of rescue system rocket attachment MANDATORY

  • SB-A22LS-22: Increase in water pump hose clamps screw torque MANDATORY

  • SB-A22LS-23: Modification of rescue system rocket attachment some countries MANDATORY

  • SB-A22LS-25: Holes in the Flaperon hinge axles in A22LS and A22L2 Aircraft MANDATORY

A32 Vixxen Safety bulletins

  • SA-A32-01: Temporary limit on Vne MANDATORY

  • SB-A32-02: Modification of stabiliser to cancel SA A32-01 MANDATORY

  • SA-A32-03: Installation of revised door latches MANDATORY

  • SA-A32-04: Serial numbers 001-056 Reinforcement of roof panel rivets MANDATORY

  • SA-A32-05: (REVISED) Serial numbers 001-053 Reinforcement of bulkhead No 10 MANDATORY

  • SB A32-06: (AMM amendment - windscreen glass inspection) MANDATORY

  • SB-A32-07: Replacement of the nose wheel fork hinge bracket advisory (see A32 Nose leg fork bolt inspection guide)

  • SB-A32-09: Replacement of the control sectors in the roll control system of A32 and A32L aircraft with central stick

  • SB-A32-17: Holes in the Flaperon hinge axles in A32 and A32L Aircraft MANDATORY

  • SB-A32-14: Installation of Heat Screens of the rear engine rubber mounts of A32 and A32L Airplanes MANDATORY

  • SB-A32-15: Replacement of the Oil System Hoses of A32 and A32L Airplanes MANDATORY

  • SB-A32-18: Amendment to Aircraft Maintenance Manual of A32L and A32 Airplanes


A22L Foxbat Safety bulletins

  • IB A-22 01: Serial numbers 05-50 - Inspection of the nose landing gear leg stem MANDATORY

  • IB A-22 02: Serial numbers 01-70 - Inspection and reinforcement of the fuselage MANDATORY

  • IB A-22 03: Serial numbers 60-103 & 106 - Inspection and reinforcement of ribs n.3 and n.4 of the wing MANDATORY

  • IB A-22 04: Serial numbers 01-130 - Inspection and reinforcement of the main landing gear beam MANDATORY

  • IB A-22 05: Serial numbers ALL - Replacement of the fuselage strut attachment fittings [ INSTRUCTIONS | DRAWING ] MANDATORY

  • IB A-22 06: Serial numbers ALL with 'scissor' spring - Replacement of the nose landing gear leg spring MANDATORY

  • IB A-22 07: Serial numbers 01-263 - Replacement of the door air scoops MANDATORY

  • IB A-22 09: Serial numbers 01-280 - Revisions in flight manual MANDATORY

  • IB A-22 10: Serial numbers 95-282 - Inspection and reinforcement of airplane stabilizer skin MANDATORY

  • IB A-22 11: Serial numbers ALL with 'scissor' spring - Revisions in the IB A-22 06 MANDATORY

  • IB A-22 12: Serial numbers ALL - Inspection and replacement of the main gear legs & mounts MANDATORY

  • IB A-22 13: Serial numbers - see bulletin - Checking the flaperon connecting cardan rings MANDATORY

  • IB A-22-14: Serial numbers 01-381 - Inspection of rear elevator pushrod MANDATORY

  • SA A-22-15: All aircraft over 5 years old or over 500 hours running time - Inspection of rudder cables MANDATORY

  • SA A22LS/L2-16: All aircraft over 5 years old or over 500 hours running time - Inspection of rudder cables MANDATORY

  • SB-A-22-17: Replacement of rudder cables and fairleads (same as for A22LS) MANDATORY

  • SB-A22/A22LS-20: Harness system check for correct installation MANDATORY

  • SB A-22-18: Fuselage reinforcement